“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,” - Ephesians 1:7
If you read Ephesians 1:1-14 you will find the following words used:
you (r) 4 times
our 4 times
we 5 times
us 6 times
in 16 times
God, Christ, etc. 37 times
Our union with Christ is the key theme and doctrine of Scripture in this passage. “In him” or “In Christ” is used repeatedly to remind us that we are united with Jesus Christ. Life is all because of God and everything is for him. This is a vertical unity with Jesus, however this provides us a horizontal unity with other believers. If we are “in him” we are family, we are on the same team.
In Christ we find our true identity. Anything outside of “in him” will eventually leave us wanting, hopeless, and wandering. Paul is encouraging the Ephesians, he is wanting them to know the blessing of unity with Jesus and with one another. This is why he repeats these words, they all have to do with union. I want to encourage you to read this passage today and as you do look for the words above. Take note and ask God to help you understand what all your union with Christ means.
...every aspect of God's relationship to believers is in some way connected to our relationship with Christ. From God's counsels in eternity past before the world was created, to our fellowship with God in heaven in eternity future, and including every aspect of our relationship with God in this life—all has occurred in union with Christ. - Wayne Grudem
Further Reading: Ephesians 1:1-14