Monday, March 28, 2011

Fill In The Blanks

“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” - Philippains 1:21

These epic words of Paul jump off the page reading through Philippians. His short proclamation should echo in our hearts and mind. It should cause us to rethink our perspective, our outlook on life, and challenge our priorities. What does life mean to you? Is it really all about Christ?

I have often noticed that Jesus is very hard to bring up for most people in everyday conversation. I honestly believe most Christians like talking about Christ, they may want to discuss Biblical truths and stories but somehow have bought into the lie that it would be weird or awkward to talk about God outside of “church.”

Nothing can steal our joy if we have the right mind, a single mind focused on Christ and His Kingdom. Paul was excited about Jesus, he lived to tell others about him. Jesus Christ was in Paul’s everyday conversations in all places at all times. Does Christ or the things of God excite you? Do you seek to see the Kingdom of God and his power work in and through the lives of people? It is an exciting and encouraging to watch God work and hear what God is doing. Today I challenge you to fill in the blanks.

For to me to live is __________, and to die is ___________.

What would you honestly fill in? Money, leave it all behind; power, lose it all; or fame, to be forgotten. Matthew 6:21 talks about where our treasure is there our heart will be also. Is your treasure in money, power, fame? When your treasure is Christ, when He is the purpose for living you will experience joy despite circumstances, people, things, and worry.

Further Reading: Philippians 1:21, Matthew 6:21, Luke 12:22-59

1 comment:

  1. For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Its not always easy, but its my desire. I want Jesus to be seen, through me.
