Thursday, June 19, 2014

Arizona - Update #4

The VBS has been going well.  We have been averaging 40-45 kids which is a good number for our group.  Don and I have been leading an adult bible study during VBS for parents and community members.  Yesterday we had a group of 15.  We are learning to teach slowly so that they can interpret to the older ones who don't speak much English.

The past couple days we have encountered sand storms which was quite a challenge for our group. Winds were 30-40mph with gusts in the 50mph.  We were unable to do anything outside and had to clean out our tents every night.  Sleeping bags, clothes, and whatever was in our tents was absolutely covered in sand.  Even though the conditions were not desirable the group did well to pereservere through the circumstances.

We are learning a lot as a group.  Encountering a different culture, serving in difficult circumstances, and learning to work with each other has been challenging but fruitful.  Each day we have a passage of scripture that we are to be meditating on then we come together as a group to share.  Philippians 4 was the passage the other day.  I encourage you to pick up your bible today and read that chapter.  Take a moment to reflect upon the words of God and allow him to speak to you.

I may look like a gangster but this was my protection from the sand.

1 comment:

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